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She Believed She Could, So She Did!


This newbie entrepreneur is an absolute Queen. Meet Savannah.

Tell us a little about yourself and what you do.

My name is Savannah Solomons. I am a blogger, writer and brand ambassador. I also run my non-profit company, the Royal Beauty Foundation, and my beauty and skincare business the Royal Beauty Brand.

How old is your business now?

Both my businesses are about 3 months old.

How did you come up with the idea of and name for your business?

After being sexually abused as a child, I struggled greatly with my self-esteem. Growing up and ended up looking for love in all the wrong places... About two and a half years ago, God showed me how He would use my story. Like Esther in the Bible, He will bring me to a position where I would help women who have gone through the same pain and struggle find their worth and identity. That is how the foundation and brand was born - two sister companies established to make lasting change through empowerment, bringing relief and helping others find freedom and go after after everything they dream about.

What is that “one thing” that this Lockdown period has taught you and that you will be using in the future? How will you be doing business differently?

I registered both my business while the world was in lockdown. It taught me to be fearless in the pursuit of what sets my heart on fire. I would say every day is a new chance to do better, be different and to learn.

What makes your business unique?

My business is unique because we believe in giving back and we operate on this true ethos of inclusivity, there is a seat for everyone at our table no matter who you are and where you come from. We celebrate inner beauty and as you will see in our logo we believe you need to know who you are, see the crown on your head, the beauty that is already there and use make-up to bring that forward and to enhance your beauty.

Are you a solo-entrepreneur or how many members does your team currently comprise?

My brand is a private company run by just me; my non-profit company has 2 other amazing Directors who steer this ship with me; as well as my family members who are volunteers and assist with feeding and workshops in our local communities.

How do you market your business, and which methods have been most successful for you?

I use social media mostly and I am currently working on websites for both businesses. Social media is most successful as the world has almost gone completely digital, but as a writer, I am a bit old school and still believe in books and newspapers (haha).

What does a typical day look like for you? And how many hours, on average, do you work daily?

Every single day is different and I think that is the beauty of it all. I work a full time job from 8-5 so in between I have to make sure I meet deadlines for blogs, submit my writing work, plan things for both my businesses and do feeding after work in our communities once a week. Along with everything else I do, I would say I work 24 hours in a day (haha) because in my head when I go to bed I plan things and want to execute them the next day. Coffee and prayer helps me find the way no matter how hectic the day might seem.

How has being an entrepreneur affected your life so far?

Definitely in a positive way because I get to be my own boss (haha). To this day I can’t believe I am a CEO and Founder of two businesses and many days I need to pinch myself because not only am I proud but extremely thankful to be able to pioneer something so big for the generation after me.

If you could go back in time and start up your business all over again, what would you do differently?

I am only 3 months in and I believe you make mistakes and learn but I would definitely believe in myself more.

What is one piece of advice you’d like to give to someone just starting out?

A journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Just start, everything else will eventually fall into place. Embrace the new start because it will lead you to the most beautiful destination in the future where you know you made mistakes and maybe didn’t make millions but you were fearless in the pursuit of what sets your heart on fire and you made a success of it.

Where can we find your business on social media?

Facebook page link:

Instagram handle: @savannahssolomons



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